It features a 4.2 inch display and will house a dual core 1.5 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 mobile processor paired with 2 GB RAM to boost the BlackBerry 10 OS. Research In Motion's most discussed smartphone, the BlackBerry Z10, will be priced less than Rs 20,000, according to some reports.
The handset, which is to be launched, is to come with the latest BlackBerry 10 operating system and is predicted to be the biggest launch by RIM. If the Canadian company actually prices this handset below or just around Rs 20,000, then RIM may give its competitors a really hard time.
The upcoming BlackBerry Z10 features a 4.2 inch display, which is rumored to feature 1280 x 768 pixel resolution. This smartphone will house a dual core 1.5 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 mobile processor paired with 2 GB RAM to boost the BlackBerry 10 OS. Going by the specifications it is hard to believe that the devices will be made available at around Rs 20,000.
Especially considering that the BlackBerry Z10 is the first BlackBerry OS 10 based Smartphone to be launched it is even more difficult to understand that how the prices will be kept so low. BlackBerry devices have been known to have a very dedicated following by users but with the Android devices coming with better features and applications many users have migrated to Android.
The BlackBerry OS 10 has been built keeping in mind the fierce competition and RIM is also working on its weakest area - the application domain. Recently, RIM has also reported to have gained substantially in terms of applications with many developers porting applications to BlackBerry OS 10.
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